Extra-Curricular, Trips & Activities

Educational visits are an integral part of the curriculum at La Fontaine Academy; by taking the children off-site to visit, for instance, a museum, theatre, or place of worship, then we are building their knowledge of the world outside of their usual experience and therefore building their cultural capital.

Teachers carefully consider their educational visits and plan these in through the year to support the curriculum they are delivering to their year group. 

In Year 6, children have the opportunity to join a residential trip in order to help build independence and prepare them for the transition to secondary school. 

Safeguarding, both in school and when out of the building on an educational visit, is of paramount importance; it is vital that the health and safety of all children, staff and volunteers is considered and planned for thoroughly. Before a visit takes place, teachers develop a risk assessment plan, which includes a pre-visit to the venue, to ensure that they are thoroughly prepared for a successful visit. 

Costs of educational visits are purposefully kept low and we make use of all of the wonderful free opportunities that are available to us as we are lucky enough to be in London. Any families that need financial support for visits will be offered this by the school, as we seek to remove all barriers to an exceptional education for all.